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Москва, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
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21-02-2006 15:22
Сегодня на почту упало вот это письмо.
Очень долго смеялась..

"Hello Dear

Compliments Of The Day,

Permit me to introduce myself to you. My name is Mr.David
Appia. ,A Top Management Official of International
Commercail Bank,I came to know about you in my private
email chat for a reliable person/company to handle an
important assingment .

Proposition, Eng.Alexander Zubakin from Russia ,a Chemical
Engineer and an Oil Merchant here in Ghana,has the sum of
$15.6 million in our Bank.Unfortunately, he died in an
accident long time ago.

Efforts had been made by the management of my corporation
through the Embassy in Ghana to contact any of thedeceased
children but to noavail,as we were made to understand he
had no children and has long divorced from his wife of many
years living him a lonely man.

Given the skeletal information available to the
corporation, it has so far been impossible to reach any of
the relatives. The situation left for the Management is to
declare the deceased account dormant and revert the Amount
to trading on behalf of the interest of the corporation. In
order to avoid this development, I now seek your approval
to have you stand as a distant relative to Engr Alexander
Zubakin, so that the money would be released to you,Please
do not get us wrong we are only being ambitious and making
adequate use of the opportunity open to us.remember you
dont need to be his blood relation to be his next of kin.

I will send you a sample of application of claim that you
will send to the bank for proofs to enable you get the
money once we receive your consent on this proposal. I
shall Apply for a leave as soon as the funds gets into your
reliable account to come to your country for possible
sharing and investment opportunity which youwill assist me
in doing. May I assure you that this is safe and risk-free,
as i have taken care of all necessary modalities to ensure
a hitch-free movement. I have propose that should you be
willing to assist in this deal,your share would be 35%.

I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will
not disappoint me.

As i will only be checking your reply from today.

Best Regards,
Mr.David Appia."
21-02-2006 15:36
... twilight cat ...
и что смешного?
Наверное у меня очень корявый английский и я чего-то не допоняла...
Но по-моему это просто глупость какая-то...
Ящик, на который пришло письмо существует всего недели две....
И вообще очень странно...
21-02-2006 19:02
... twilight cat ...
Marixyana тоже может быть)
Очень похоже на спам рассылку..
21-02-2006 19:58
... twilight cat ...
Marixyana ДА НЕ, это просто дешевый развод чау-чау))
чей-то потерянный дух
Marixyana меня очень корявый английский
в отличии от грузинского. )))
У меня и такого нет, поэтому я на все нерусские письма не обращпю внимания.

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