У кошек всё иначе..
дневник заведен 26-08-2004
постоянные читатели [69]
afyna, Ahorn_blatt, Aiz, Anthrax, Belladonna, BurningLight, colchicum, croix, Cyber SHADOW, depeche_code, DIN_DIN, Emilie, EXotiCA, Frant, Joya, Juliannna, just_nothing, Kitten, Ktosh, Lenin, Lilichka, Mariyska, Meja, miercoles, m_than, Rediska 007, Reflexion, RTF, Sonichka, ULTRA, Yaxes, zanozz, Айлада, Алекс Лочер, Букля_, Вредные Советы, Гамаюн, Гонза Кандибобер, Дашунчик, Двое, Дикий Варвар, Дурка, ежонок, злостная_вредина, Иксена, Ирен Адлер, Ирча, Йеннифэр, Китти Кэт, Клуб Моя Косметичка, Лин Ли, Лойош, Мартышка, Одиночка, Орешка, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Приоткрытая дверь, Психолог, Романтика, Рыжая-бесстыжая, Скромняга-2, Уиндина, Фай Родис, фрустрация, Хаос, Царевна, Ю-ю, Юкка, _Небо_

Россия, Санкт-Петербург
[1] 18-09-2017 19:45

[1] 26-09-2013 21:25

[6] 13-05-2012 00:22

[2] 29-03-2012 00:47
i'm ready

24-07-2006 12:34 песенка
If you gave me a coin for every time we say goodbye
Well I'd be rich beyond my dreams, I'm sorry for my weary life
I know I'm not perfect but I can smile
And I hope that you can see this heart behind my tired eyes
If you tell me that I can't, I will, I will, I'll try all night
And if I say I'm coming home, I'll probably be out all night
I know I can be afraid but I'm alive
And I hope that you trust this heart behind my tired eyes

I'm no angel, but please don't think that I won't try and try
I'm no angel, but does that mean that I can't live my life
I'm no angel, but please don't think that I can't cry
I'm no angel, but does that mean that I won't fly

I know I'm not around each night
And I know I always think I'm right
I can believe that you might look around

I'm no angel, but please don't think that I won't try and try
I'm no angel, but does that mean that I can't live my life
I'm no angel, but please don't think that I can't cry
I'm no angel, but does that mean that I won't fly
24-07-2006 13:52
что-то мне это напоминает..) "песенка про нас"...
именно так.

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