"You're the best if you're always be yourself"
дневник заведен 02-06-2003
постоянные читатели [86]
aabp, AlisaA, AP-Racing, BaRiK, Black Heart, Blondin, chris, Ciparisa, curlysue, cvetko, Daring spy, Disa3-4, disarm, Djastina, dorogavtsev, eroticplanet, Fearyal, flaef, Fox-cub, Geoscave, gonchi, gunnbiern, House MD, Hydralisk, July Winter, Legolas, Lerrrra, Lilichka, Limonka, Little Boo, LV, masha, Paint It Black, Palitra, paveldenm, radioserfer, RedLine Graphics, Regen, ripper, safonova, Sentence, Shturwalezzz, Shusha, SSH, tiger on moon, TimeLine Flash, Uliss, vermouth, Victosha, Viernes, Winter, Wohltat, yanus11, yanus2, Алые Паруса, Барышня, Букля_, Виктор, Вуда, Гайде, ежонок, жизнь наоборот, Кайтище, калантайй, килька, Кудиани, кусок неба, Людная, нд, недоразумение, неизвестная, НЕпонятнаЯ, Нет - ПАРАД УРОДОВ, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Письма, Плюшевая, Полянка, Птенчик, родная, Скромняга, Скромняга-2, тай, Товарищ Кац, Флафф, чижик, Энея
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
интересы [11]
улыбки, красота, дождь, тепло, синий цвет, радуга, тигррррррррррры, ананасовый сок, Питеррррррррррррр, безрассудная честность, паталогическая верность
антиресы [5]
холод, расстояния, любая ложь
[2] 25-02-2010 09:49

01-02-2007 17:36 Relax, Take It Easy
Took a right to the end of the line
Where no one ever goes.
Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.
But the pain and the longings the same.
Where the dying
Now I’m lost and I’m screaming for help.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

It’s as if I’m scared.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
It’s as if I scared.
It’s as if I’m playing with fire.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
Are you scared?
Are we playing with fire?

There is an answer to the darkest times.
It’s clear we don’t understand but the last thing on my mind
Is to leave you.
I believe that we’re in this together.
Don’t scream – there are so many roads left.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

It’s as if I’m scared.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
It’s as if I scared.
It’s as if I’m playing with fire.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
Are you scared?
Are we playing with fire?

Current music: она же )
Состояние: скорее бы отпуск
01-02-2007 17:42
feel to smile
уууу, ты ее выложила
а ее письмо отправила))))))))))
02-02-2007 11:38
ее конечно слушать нада )))
02-02-2007 13:28
feel to smile
вы меня заразили вчера. тоже ее скачала
05-02-2007 11:56
клева )))))))))))
12-03-2007 03:42
Ты же не знаешь аннглийского?!)))

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