Блокнот сценариста :)
дневник заведен 07-05-2003
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Москва, Россия, Санкт-Петербург
интересы [12]
антиресы [1]
16-04-2004 06:46 Don’t cry.
Haven’t you cried tonight? You have… your eyes are still full of sparkling pure tears, you have been crying through the night, feeling that the one, who made you believe him and whom you believed with every piece of your heart, is going away from you, and it’s like the sun going down, like the night coming after day - you are watching all this day in day out and you are strengthless, you can do nothing to stop it at least for a tiny moment. You are losing your breath and your mind, because of sharp pain inside, and there’s no remedy to take and feel ok, because these are the sufferings of your sole. You know that you’ll never forgive yourself for this loss, as it’s only your fault, no one else to put the guilt on… only you. He is not close to u any more. No one in the whole world to touch your lips, your hair, your cheeks tenderly and say “I was missing you, baby”. You are alone again.
But don’t cry. Try to remember that if there is no one beside you, it means that you’ll never loose him… cause we can’t loose, if we don’t have
снайпер безоружен
Интересно,а что тут? =))
Возьми в руки анго-русский словарик... и попытайся перевести=)))
снайпер безоружен
смеёшся,да?! =)) Да мне дня не хватит.
А ты попробуй=)))))

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