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дневник заведен 10-04-2003
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Москва, Россия
интересы [64]
свобода, кофе, жизнь, Холодное оружие, внутренний мир, путь, ножи, оранжевый цвет, архетипы, эволюция, дорога, естественные науки, капли на оконных стеклах, ветер во всех проявлениях, всегда немного отличаться, дзен-апофеоз философии, кино как цветной сон, котеги, добрым словом и пистолетом, дзен в быту, зайца Бо в президенты!, экспериментальная кулинария, экспериментальное рукоделие
антиресы [3]
идиоты, рано вставать, болтология
[5] 25-09-2018 13:10

Родни де Маниак
05-03-2011 14:51 музыка
Некоторое время тому назад меня зацепил и не отпускает трек I am a mirror

попробую прицепить звук через ютуб, клип сам по себе вовсе даже и не клип

Просто настроение такое ) При всем значении текста - очень жизнеутверждающе звучит.

Suppose I were to tell you that the meaning of dreams
Is not all that it seems and the ultimate truth is a lie.
And you are just a puppet who can dance on a string.
Do you feel anything?
Would you laugh? would you care? would you cry?
But the meaning of life is a mystery, how can anyone disagree?
And the music is a symphony which we play in a minor key.

I am a mirror. I am a mirror. looking at me you see yourself
I am a mirror. I am a mirror. every face is someone else.
Look at me smile and you're the clown. and if I dance you turn around.
Look in my eyes and see your tears until the music disappears.

So if you are confused and don't know which way to go.
You will certainly know. from the moment we're living we die.
And if it's all a crazy game you don't want to play
Tell me what you can say.
It's a joke. it's the truth. it's a lie.
But the meaning of life is a mystery that we don't understand.
And the music is a rhapsody if you're happy the way that you are.

I am a mirror. I am a mirror. looking at me you see yourself
I am a mirror. I am a mirror. every face is someone else.
Look at me smile and you're the clown.and if I dance you turn around.
Look in my eyes and see your tears until the music disappears.

And the meaning of life is a mystery though we live it from day to day.
But the music of live should be harmony so that anyone here can play.

I am a mirror. I am a mirror. looking at me you see yourself
I am a mirror. I am a mirror. every face is someone else.
Look at me smile and you're the clown. and if I dance you turn around.
Look in my eyes and see your tears until the music disappears.
мелкий гаденыш
О, ещё одна симпатичная песня Парсона.
экспериментальный образец
Вэлин, просто Вэлин ну я так поняла, что он вообще мастер был )