дневник заведен 09-03-2007
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Киев, Украина
интересы [8]
14-12-2012 14:42
Появился термин "тушки Кролика". Я сам думаю, что эти Табаловы повели себя немного лоховато, им надо было принять присягу, войти во фракцию, а потом уже перебегать к большинству.

В The Sun про вчерашнюю драку фотоотчет под заголовком Pain in Ukraine.

Supporters of president Viktor Yanukovych brawled with opposition MPs as they attempted to vote for a speaker.
Lawmakers wrestled with each other and some were knocked to the floor in the violent melee, on just the second day of the new parliament.
One man was restrained by being held in a tight headlock, while others climbed on to the speaker's stand before being pushed off.
But heavyweight boxing champion Vitaly Klitschko, who heads the UDAR party, chose not to join in the brawl.

Из каментов:

- I thought this happens only in Nigeria.
- At least they're enjoying themselves. Nothing like making your political point of views with a smack in the gob. Last man standing gets the vote.
- Cossack meetings used to end like this before the Xmas festivities...It's an old tradition apparently.
- Shame klitchko didnt get stuck in he could be their prime minister by now by literally beating the opposition
u gotta be kiddin'
ах. уронить и ногами. прекраааасно