кумир молодежи
дневник заведен 19-02-2003
постоянные читатели [104]
-=PLAY=-, -=Politics=-, Agneshka, android##paranoid, Art`Is, AxelJent, Azazel, azsh, brownie, Carlo Gambino, chasoslov, chilli, Clockwork orange, crazy_drive, DVD, eroticplanet, Ethereal, everestic, ExpAnd, Fiery Birds, FileJunkie, fl@sh, fragment, Frag_Factory, gav-gav, glv12 Marla Zinger, got4a, HaH-uH, Irischka, IronFist, KBH, Korsar, L-O-V-E-i-s-L-O-L, Lucky Star, Mantissa, Matrix, mc2, Mirabelle, molli, Monkhermit, Nau, Olga Davice, Patreek The Telkas, Pomme_orange_girl, private property, PUT_IN, Rocsi, rusak, Samum, SENSU, Slotos, SOLO, Stap, Stargazer, Tamit, tea_tree, TeMa-6eweHblu, Track, Turol, Unbelivable, VasyPypkin, vitalka, wengl, Yurick, Барби, Белокурая Бестия, Букля, Букля_, Винченсо, Дейдре, Димоновский, Другой Поэт, Журнал, Зинка, ИНННННННОЧКА, Клуб АРХипелаг, Клуб Проблем, Королева Кошка, КП(б), Ленивый Книжный Бар, меЛиссса, Мир Труд Мвй, Москви4ка, Не твое солнце, Новый_Год, Опаленные Крылья, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Пилат П., Письма, Польский вопрос, родители, С миру по сусекам, Скерцо, Скромняга-2, Служба поддержки Н, Случайный гость, Спорт-бар, Счастливая Женщина, Та, кто шепчет, трактир, Тривиальное чтиво, ФК Камрад, Футболофилки, Штурман
Москва, Россия
[5] 02-01-2005 23:47

Infatuated me
23-03-2004 18:02 wow
"Freedom Fighters"
Жанр: Action , Strategy
Дата выпуска: 23.09.2003
Разработчик: Electronic Arts
Издатель: Electronic Arts
Язык: English

In a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War, a fierce conflict is beginning to unfold in the streets of America. Red Army troops are pouring across the borders of Mexico and Canada shortly after a nuclear missile is unleashed on Washington D.C. Chaos sets in when breaking news informs Americans that their President has been killed and the Russians have invaded the country. You take on the role of Christopher Walker, a man who evolves into a charismatic and fearless freedom fighter obsessed with finding and freeing his brother in the streets of occupied New York City.


• Turn-based strategy element enables players to pick their own mission, each with a multitude of strategies and different outcomes.

• Intense, in-your-face urban guerilla warfare scenarios ranging from small sabotage missions to large battles where the player has to conquer enemy installations.

• Charisma-based Recruiting System that gives players points for rescuing prisoners or capturing key installations. Points are also taken away if fellow freedom fighters are sent into battle and killed.

• Variety of weapons including machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, and Molotov Cocktails.

• Enhanced rendering technology via Io Interactive's "Glacier" engine that lends to amazing 3D special effects such as real-time lighting, rain, snow, smoke and explosions.

• Rich environmental audio such as shouting when in battle, barking out commands and music setting the pace and mood of the gameplay action.

• Multiplayer support -- up to 8 players on the PC version and 4 players in split-screen mode on the console versions.
23-03-2004 19:11
Ты по-русски скажи, я этот язык не понимаю. Что там написано, может они русских убить хотят?

СССР победил в холодной войне и оккупировал США. Ты - американский партизан.