дневник заведен 06-12-2002
постоянные читатели [107]
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Россия, Санкт-Петербург
05-06-2003 13:53
"The Audio

While the Ultimate Edition included Dolby Digital 5.1 EX and DTS mixes, this new edition only features the Dolby mix and it's the same excellent soundtrack as before. I'm sure you're already rolling your eyes and saying "great, they dropped DTS for a Dolby Headphone track", when that probably wasn't the reason the DTS mix isn't included on this release. It's more likely due to giving the video the absolute best possible bitrate.

If including the DTS mix on this DVD would've affected the stunning transfer in any way, I'm more than happy to go without it. Besides, whenever I watched the UE I always listened to the Dolby EX track as the bass response actually sounded a little more natural than in its DTS counterpart.

If you are a total DTS fanatic and refuse to listen to a Dolby mix, you can always hold on to the UE; but you'll be going without the best looking T2 ever. "

Идиот. Полный идиот автор статьи. Никакой видеобитрейт не заменит DTS. Бред. могли бы просто выкинуть этот паршивый Dolby Digital, или записать часть на второй диск, но никак не выкидывать DTS.