начнем с того, что я понимаю, что спам рассылается роботами, и что они редко когда смотрят на то, кому и какие письма отправляют - банально рассылают и все.
Но это письмо меня дико развеселило с самого утра... оно так красиво написано... просто мур.
Good day, my gentleman
I can imagine that you will wonder to get today the letter from unknown, but pretty woman from such far country like Ukraine.
As for me I could not yet believe that I write to foreign man whom I don't know, but whom I do want.
The reason of my letter is very simple: I want to find my love, my soul mate, that is why I am here.
I decided to try to find love with you. I feel with all fibres of my soul that you are descent man and your heart is kind and is able to love.
You may ask me how I know. I will tell you that I have well-developed intuition and my intuition chose you among thousands. and I want you to become the One...
I ask you not to ignore my letter and not to throw it to the rubbish bin.
Read it, please, as attentively as you can. I am as serious as i have never been.
I am fed up to be lonely and to feel jelous if I see loving couples.
I want to scream, I want to cry, but I doing nothing I won't change situation.
If love don't come to me, I want to invite love to come into my heart.
And that is why I need to find my soul mate.
If you agree to help me to find love, become my soul mate -write me, I will wait здесь был адрес сайта знакомств русских дам-с с иносранцами, но я его убрала - я ж не спамер 
Кстати, посмотрела свойства... письмо было направлено на адрес директора, а доставлено - на мой.
Все интересоватее и интересоватее...
диагноз скептическое
Ой, эта площадка еще жива :...