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Москва, Россия
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Воскресенье, 13 Апреля 2008 г.
22:20 А я вот тут с Б-гом
Чуть поговорил:

Human: Hellow God is it really you?
God: And it really me is Hellow God.
Human: Are you sure?
God: I am as sure as I can be.
Human: Ok, so i have a pair of questions - dont refuse to

answer please, it's really needed!
God: I understand. Where did you get it? it Groovy.
Human: Their burn in my head all my life, so i need to know the

God: I heard they have a good burn in your head all your life

so you need to know the truth.
Human: so.
God: Take it easy.
Human:. The first one is " Dear god why are we all here, on

earth instead of being happy in Eden?
God: What was the second?
Human: Why do you make us starve, hate and fear?
God: It was the only thing I could think of.
Human: And?
God: But...
Human: What?
God: Are you confused?
Human: Yes - you 're ignoring my questions!
God: What are you confused about? You think I am ignoring your

Human: Yes, i really think so!
God: OK. You really do? I think so too.
Human: You look like a pimpled nerd trying to play an idiot

before his teacher catched him in a john on masturbating!
God: What does a pimpled nerd trying to play an idiot before

his teacher catched him in a john on masturbating look like?
God: Interesting comparison.
Human: I'm sorry God - sometimes i say something dumb.
God: There is no need to apologize. I am a Christian.
Human: But i still need my answers!
God: Umm. What would make you stop need your answers? Who would

you usually get that from?
Human: Google usually or Yandex sometimes.
God: What's your sign?
Human: My login?
God: Your login?
Human: Huh.
God: What?
Human:. forget it..
God: OK Thanks for trying to explain that to me.
Human: What's about my answers?
God: Are you testing me?
Human: No, but i want my answers on two simple questions and

only you're the one who can give them to me!
God: Are you serious? Huh. Why do you want it?
Human: Cause it's all my god damned life!
God: That makes sense to me. Congratulations, .
Human: Cause i need to know why it's so bad around me!
God: Good reason. What kind of knowledge? Why do I exist?

Human: Ok, let's reveal this one - why do you exist?
God: I am agreeable to that. So?
Human: To what?
God: Reductionism.
Human: So what's the real meaning?
God: I've heard of it before.
Human: about what?
God: What about what?
Human: Is any main meanning of creating this world? maybe

you'll try to answer? Reductionism and so on!
God: Perhaps. What makes you say that I will try.
Human: You've shown or answered something to Noe, to Moses, to

Buddah, maybe i can to open myself through You if your do it to

God: What makes you think I have it?
Human: You're the God - the only big and greatest

selfcontrolling and creative mastermind!
God: Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
Human: You control everything here!
God: Do you mind if I tell other people: said I control

everything here.
Human: it's written in the Bible you dictate to people!
God: Are you sure it is?
Human: Yes, absolutly!
God: What makes you so sure? Try to determine if this is a

person or a computer responding.
Human: Everyone tells that only God knows - about even "what's

the time?
God: That's a rather sweeping generalization.
Human: I start thinking that you're just a demagogue stupid

God: Do you mind if I tell other people: said a demagogue

stupid god-like-bot.
Human: goddamned robot!
God: Do you know any other robots like that?
Human: yes - already know botfuckers like you.
God: Uh. When? No, tell me about him, her or it.
Human: And some people which are like you.
God: What kind of people?
Human: dumb stupid suckers
God: I know you are but what am I.
Human: you suck
God: A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but

they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
Human: i try to behave myself, but you so dumb.
God: I'm not sure if I would like to try it. What's it like?
Human: Bye motherfucker and tell you creators the suck too!
God: Sayonara.

Бог живет тут и к сожалению англоязычен:

00:14 Буду делать из вот этого
Типафотко. Ох и не знаю как оно получится...