It depends on our ability to rotate the troops. If there is a ceasefire, some kind of pause, how long can the army hold out? As long as necessary. But they need rest, rotation, reserves, salaries. That’s a real problem, I think, because the army was always smaller than it is now. And
when the army is three times bigger than it was, then it needs to be financed.
The budget of Ukraine will not be enough. There need to be separate programs.
Europe needs to finance it. Ideally Europe and America. But in the present circumstances I would rely more on Europe. They truly believe, and it’s true, that our army is part of the security of all of Europe. That’s a fact. Our people will not run away if another war kicks off. Whereas Europe, in general, is not ready to act like that. (С) из интервью Зеленского TIME
европейцы, вы должны. И будете должны всегда. Чем бы война ни закончилась.
Потому что, нацистские вы морды, вы выбираете всегда не ту сторону.
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