Пушу Корейская школа присылает периодически оценки за всякие работы с развернутыми комментариями.
Вчера прислали промежуточный репорт
Dmytro has a good general understanding of the expectations of essay writing. However, he needs to use the specific
language and terminology learned in Cambridge classes. These key terms need to be used as part of the extract
analysis within the examination. Similarly, he should focus on increasing his knowledge of higher-level vocabulary
and expressions. While explaining arguments simply is good, analysis needs to be more thoroughly done and at a
higher level of writing for the exam. With a little more time dedicated to editing and organization, his writing will
continue to improve.
Dima has demonstrated a strong ability to analyze primary sources, which was evident on the "Imperialism vs.
AntiImperialism cartoon analysis" assignment.
He is also able to understand different perspectives on an issue and draw
conclusions based on that. However, Dima shows room to improve on his effort and thoroughness when answering
questions. A few assignments were missing and his answers on section quizzes should show more detail. Dima has
the potential and abilities to succeed in Cambridge International History, he just needs to put a little more effort into
his work.
I noticed that Dmytro understands concepts very quickly, has excellent critical thinking skills, and helps to solve
problems on the board on many occasions. Dmytro tends to loose focus sometimes and be distracted but this doesn't
mean that he is not on track. He does the work quickly. He just needs to have more challenges and additional
practice. Doing all the homework, practicing tougher problems on his own from the books, and most importantly,
being an active contributor in class will be very beneficial to Dmytro's learning process.
Dmytro is usually a silent student who can synthesize information to make valid arguments in class. His distinct
sense of humor that is related to business concepts shows that he learns through being observant. Besides, his
written responses to questions are well-structured but presents limited links and connections made to the topic. More
active participation and being consistent in in-class work and assignments would help him to excel the syllabus.
И оценки за всякие работы.
- Димас, почему у тебя плохая оценка за эссе? - интересуется Пуш, рассматривая Димасью "D" за сочинение.
(A-B-C-D-E-F - такая система, А - условная "5")
- Папа, ну, это же понятно, почему!
- ???
- Потому что я плохо его написал!
Капитан Очевидность на марше
А вообще сегодня день Димаса. И номинация его.
Вплывает ко мне в 6 часов с вопросом, куда я дела его учебник по химии.
Я и свой учебник не открывала никогда, зачем мне его?!
Отдельно прекрасен этот вопрос за два с половиной часа до годового собеседования. Решил таки повторить.
Ок. Нашли учебник. Следующий вопрос был еще прекраснее.
Димас соизволил поинтересоваться программой курса химии на сайте школы и оказалось, что они с Пушем профакапили две темы)))
Люблю такое перед годовым собеседованием.
Так что за два часа учили темы, что-то там повторяли хором, потом собеседование.
Сдал на 8 годовых баллов эту срань господню и Димас взвился в космос "Всё! Я больше никогда не буду учить химию!!!!!!!"
Господи, счастье-то какое!
Наша радость не столь всеобъемлюща. Ибо "мы никогда не будем больше учить химию следующие 9 лет!!!!!!!!"
Но, божечки, 9 лет - это почти вечность! Без химии!!!
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