Happily ever after
дневник заведен 30-10-2017
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[1] 07-03-2025 18:19
[HIDDEN=Европа в одной карт...

голоса в моей голове
31-12-2021 07:22 Release from Quarantine
<Covid-19 Home Treatment: Information of Release from Quarantine>

This is Yongsan-gu Public Health Cneter Home Treatment Team.
We are notifying you that you will be released from quarantine at noon (12;00 pm / lunch time) today as you meet our standards for the release in accordance with the “Quarantine Release Standards” of the Covid-19 response guidelines imposed by KDCA.
After your release today, you will be able to come back to normalcy, and you will also be able to delete the apps you downloaded for home treatment.

If you wish to receive a quarantine release form that is issued under your name, (alternative to negative PCR test result) please contact us. (02-2199-ХХХХ)
The form will be delivered by this after noon (around 12:30-1:00 pm) either via email or fax.

<Covid-19 Home Treatment Release Guide>

■ You have been released from quarantine in accordance with the "quarantine release standards" in accordance with the COVID-19 response guidelines.
If quarantine is released in compliance with the criteria, there is no risk of further virus transmission.
☞ However, even after release, there may be a positive test during PCR test, which is inactive without propagation power.

This is because viruses (dead virus debris, etc.) can also be detected.
Health authorities confirmed that the confirmation of release from quarantine is safe from infection without going through PCR tests.
As a certificate, you can replace PCR voice confirmation.
- Therefore, if there is a legally issued quarantine release confirmation (health center) or voice confirmation, daily life, medical institution,
You can use it, return to work, and work. (Issued by e-mail upon request)
You can receive psychological support from the state for mental health care.
- Mental health center: Check the website of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's mental health center.
* http://www.ncmh.go.kr/ncmh/main.do
- Workers' Health Center and Vocational Trauma Center: Check on the website of the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency.
* http://www.kosha.or.kr/kosha/business/healthcenter.do
■ Even after quarantine is released, hygiene and quarantine rules must be followed continuously.
- Wear a mask, observe the COVID-19 rules of keeping a distance from each other's daily lives.
If you feel any symptoms related to COVID-19, such as fever on the day of release from quarantine, please tell the on-site medical staff.
* Fever (37.5℃ or higher), cough, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, etc.
■ Please discharge of the waste generated and stored during home treatment as household waste after your release from home treatment. (You can discharge of the waste right after your release. Please follow guides to ensure safe disposal.)

Добби свободны. Никаких повторных тестов и прочего - всем спасибо в этом чате)))))
Осталось найти контору, которая посчитала бы нам антитела.

На деле, ещё вчера Пуш продумывал схемы, когда бы нам съездить протестироваться - ну, как же, все ж тестируются до отрицательного теста, как иначе. Всё оказалось сильно проще. Часы пробили полдень и, по версии корейцев, корона превратилась в тыкву.
31-12-2021 07:25
Называется: "Иди и больше не греши!"
TM - upgraded
you will be able to come back to normalcy,

Мне это отдаёт "Алисой в стране чудес" 🤪

Часы пробили полдень и, по версии корейцев, корона превратилась в тыкву.

Не в тыкву, а в
dead virus debris, etc
Боевой хомячок
Какая экономия тестов
Наша Светлость
Ура!!! Поздравляю!!!
Но ни дай бог до полудня могу удалите!!!
Всему свое время
Корейцы сказочны))) *ну как в той шутке, ага*

Но))) поздравляю)
Мне это отдаёт "Алисой в стране чудес"

причём, всё. От начала до конца!

Просто Рита
нет слов, нет слов. Ложноположительные тесты их пугают

triber-nefrit пасип!
Пуш с Машкой чот так обрадовались, что рванули по магазинам. Исстрадались бедолаги в заточении))))))))))

miju корейцы сказочны, ага))))))))))))))))))))
i-lightning свободу попугаям!!! Поздравляю!
индрик зверь пасип!